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4 Consequences of Pooling Water on Flat Roofs

Josh Knese • June 16, 2020


There are particular roofing issues that can occur after major weather conditions. This includes standing water – a situation where water accumulates on the top of roofs, especially on flat roofs, after a storm hits, snow melts or heavy rains happen. When left untreated, pooling water can cause various types of damage to your roofing system or maybe even the entire home.

4 Consequences of Pooling Water on Flat Roofs

Roof systems are simply not designed to hold excessive amounts of water. In fact, even flat roofs are constructed with a slight slope to encourage proper drainage. Pooling water is a critical sign of drainage inefficiencies, because when left unattended, it can lead to an array of issues.

1. Collects Dirt:

If water stays on your roof for long periods of time, it can collect dirt and other organic debris. These substances may cause the growth of vegetation or initiate mud cracking to the roof.

2. Increases Sun Exposure:

Standing water can act as a magnifying tool that increases the damaging solar exposure of particular areas in the roof. No matter what type of roof covering material you used during the residential roofing service, it can’t withstand unnecessary ultraviolet (UV) sun rays damage.

3. Leads to Premature Deterioration:

The element of water naturally initiates photo-oxidation, which contributes to the premature failure of roof membrane, flashings and coatings. The effect is specifically facilitated by radiant energy, such as UV or artificial light.

4. Challenges Adhesives:

Pooling water can pose a challenge to adhesives used on the roofing system, field-fabricated single-ply laps in particular. This situation does not simply compromise the roof, but also influences your home’s ability to withstand harsh weather conditions in the future.

Excessive water on your roof is never a good news so make sure to observe routine clean up and maintenance. If your home sustains structural damage due to standing water, it can lead to a voided warranty, leaving you with bigger repair costs.

If you encounter any issue with your roofing system, don’t hesitate to turn to Exterior Building Solutions, a trusted residential and commercial roof installation company. Give us a call at (314) 470-8783, or fill out our contact form to schedule a free, no-obligation consultation. We serve customers in and around St. Louis, MO.

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